If you write tests after writing the code…

If you write tests after writing the code, you assume the test is OK because it passes, when it could be that you have bugs in your tests. Trust me—finding bugs in your tests is one of the most frustrating things you can imagine. It’s important that you don’t let your tests get to that state, and TDD is one of the best ways I know to keep that possibility close to zero.

Roy Osherove, The Art of Unit Testing

A co-worker just turned me on to the book The Art of Unit Testing by Roy Osherove, and I’ve quickly fallen in love. This quote is a little nugget from the first chapter.

Consolidate .NET Assemblies with ILMerge

There have been many times when I’ve thrown together a small utility app intended for situational use in specific scenarios. These scenarios are usually of a one-and-done nature, where they need to be done once and that’s it. It doesn’t make sense to have an installer that deploys the app to a permanent location in Program Files. What I really want is to have an EXE that I can copy to the desktop on a remote machine, use it, and junk it. There’s a wrinkle, though: the apps usually have some external dependencies, so it’s typically an EXE plus a handful of DLLs.

It’s not a huge problem, I just keep the EXE and its dependencies in a ZIP archive or folder. When I need the app, I copy the archive/folder. This works fine, but it’s not as simple as I’d like. It’s also error-prone, since another user may not realize that the accompanying assemblies are required dependencies. It’d be nice to roll the EXE and its dependencies into a single assembly, and that’s exactly what ILMerge does!

ILMerge is a Microsoft Research project that allows you to merge multiple .NET assemblies into a single assembly. It’s a command-line tool, but you can also use it programmatically.

Here’s the basic command-line usage:

ILMerge.exe /out:Target.dll PrimaryAssembly.dll ExternalAssembly1.dll ExternalAssembly2.dll etc.

I used ILMerge to consolidate a WCF client proxies library with several data contract assemblies. It worked great! Now, instead of telling service consumers to copy the client proxies assembly plus a short list of contract assemblies, I can tell them to grab the one consolidated assembly to get everything they need. Writing an app to consume my services is done with one new reference–to the consolidated assembly–and less than 10 lines of code. A previously complicated process is now remarkably simple!

Unfortunately, it sounds like ILMerge doesn’t work for WPF assemblies, but the ILMerge website offers the following alternative:

If you cannot use ILMerge because you are trying to merge WPF assemblies, then here is a great way for you to get the same effect, courtesy of Jeffrey Richter: embed the dlls you want to merge as resources and load them on demand! In many ways, this is a better technique than using ILMerge, so I strongly urge you to check it out, even if ILMerge is working for your scenario.

ILMerge can be downloaded from the Microsoft Download Center here. It’s also available through NuGet. I haven’t tried that out yet, but I’m intrigued. I’ll probably try using NuGet to include it with each project I intend on using it with to ensure availability in builds and workspaces.

11 Simple Concepts to Become a Better Leader

Article: 11 Simple Concepts to Become a Better Leader

This is a typical be-a-good-person-and-people-will-like-you article, but it’s good to remind ourselves of that from time to time. The concepts presented in the article that I feel are most important are transparency, adaptability, and gratefulness.

Transparency is a great leadership quality because it earns trust over time. I hate playing games. It doesn’t get anybody anywhere. If you told me you were going to start working on a project but got distracted, don’t tell me that it’s moving along just fine. Tell me you got distracted and haven’t started, but also tell me when you’ll be starting it and what will be the impact on the project timeline. Being transparent also drives customer satisfaction because it helps set and adjust expectations.

I presume the importance of adaptability transcends industry–hence its inclusion in the list–but it’s incredibly important for software development. In my experience, it’s pretty rare to have a project that goes 100% as planned. Next to never. And I’m talking about “next” being on the other side of never, not the side where it might actually happen. Understanding when to deviate from the plan is key. It might be to overcome a challenge: “We thought we could do X, but that’s not going to work. Let’s do Y instead.” It’s not always a problem that makes adapting advisable, though; it could be an unforeseen improvement: “We planned on doing X, but it makes more sense for the users if we do Y.”

And, finally, gratefulness. My least favorite type of co-worker is the ungrateful leech. You never hear from them until they need something. Then, you go out of your way to help them out–because you’re awesome and that’s how you roll–and you’re lucky to get an email that says, “Thanks.” When those guys come around looking for help, I don’t like to give it to them. On the other hand, you’ve got people who genuinely appreciate what you’ve done. They offer to buy you lunch or a drink. Gratefulness goes a long way, even if it’s just saying, “Seriously–thanks. You really helped.” When those guys need help, I’m happy to drop what I’m doing to give it to them. It’s not because I hope to get free stuff, it’s because I know my effort will be appreciated. As a leader, you’re playing the role of the guy who needs stuff in these scenarios. Do you want to be the guy that people do things for because they have to or because they want to?

VS2012 Achievements Failure

I’m not sure exactly how long I’ve had this problem, but Visual Studio 2012 would crash every time I tried to build a solution that contained a Wix project. My workaround was simple: unload the Wix project or use Visual Studio 2010. It was more of an annoyance than a work-preventer, so I didn’t really worry about it. Yesterday, I thought I’d try to figure it out.

At first, I didn’t really have much to go on. I had some exceptions that showed up in the Event Viewer, but the internet didn’t seem to pick up on any correlation between Wix, VS2012, and the exceptions. I also asked our resident install guy/Wix expert if he’d run into this or heard about it from other developers. He hadn’t. He did some googling and gave me a few results related to the .NET Reflector plug-in, but I didn’t have that installed.

Eventually, I ended up on this forum post. The first comment made me feel pretty dumb:

Did more debugging using the vs2012 log: the WiX installer project triggers an exception in the vs extension “Visual Studio Achievements For VS 2012” published by Microsoft.

Ugh, really? The Visual Studio Achievements extension? It’s so irritating to discover that this gimmicky plug-in causes Visual Studio to completely crash and die when building a Wix project! I disabled the extension, restarted Visual Studio, and I was able to build Wix projects. I liked getting random achievements from time to time, but after this, I’m out. Have a good life, Visual Studio Achievements.

Registry Hack for Flash in Win RT

One of the measures Microsoft has taken to improve security in Windows RT is to only play Flash content from sites on their Compatibility View (CV) list. Over time, I doubt this will be much of an issue as more and more sites are moving to HTML 5 and away from Flash, but it causes some pain now because there are sites I want to use that haven’t found their way onto Microsoft’s list.

Let’s ignore the problem with other sites for a moment and focus on a different problem. What if you’re a Flash developer, and you want to get your application approved by Microsoft and onto the CV list? You need a way to test your application, right? Microsoft has published an article about a registry entry that will override the CV requirement for a single domain.

The short version is that you just need to add the domain to the following registry value:

[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Flash\DebugDomain]

The article adds some important notes about the value to enter:

  • Direct URLs to a page or resource are not supported (for example, contoso.com/xyz). Any value containing ‘/’ is not supported, including: http:// (or https://).
  • Do not use “www.” prefix, which is stripped (for example, http://www.movies.yahoo.com loads as http://movies.yahoo.com).
  • Only a single domain is supported.

So, using this same trick intended for developers, we can override the restriction for individual sites. I tried this out on my Surface RT with a site that I had problems with previously, and it worked like a champ. Here’s the step-by-step version of what I did:

  1. Go to Desktop Mode
  2. Open a Run prompt by pressing Windows key + R
  3. Run “regedit”
  4. Browse to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE > Software > Microsoft > Internet Explorer
  5. Right-click Internet Explorer and choose New > Key; name the new key “Flash
  6. Right-click Flash and choose New > String Value; name the new value “DebugDomain
  7. Double-click DebugDomain and enter the domain; I used “digital.olivesoftware.com”
  8. Close Registry Editor
  9. Open Internet Explorer, browse to the site, and enjoy Flash content!

This works great, but it’s annoying that you can only do one domain at a time. An idea for making this slightly less painful is to export the Flash registry key to create shortcuts. To do this, right-click “Flash” in Registry Editor and choose Export. You’ll be prompted to save the key to a file, and you can update the key by double-clicking the file that is created. Using this method, you can create several shortcuts for sites that you visit frequently. It’s obviously not ideal to need to update your registry before browsing to a site, but, hey, it’s better than not being able to use your favorite sites, right!?

“A late change in requirements…”

A late change in requirements is a competitive advantage
–Mary Poppendieck

My team works almost exclusively on small, custom projects. Each project begins with high-level requirements gathering, an estimation of effort, and a cost proposal. If the customer accepts the proposal, a contract is signed, and my team works with the customer to create a more detailed requirements document before beginning development.

The problem with this process is that it isn’t very agile, and, even though we complete the project by converting the requirements document into stories and banging them out in sprints, we sometimes fall into the same old waterfall-pitfalls. Requirements written at the beginning are not always the right requirements. Something that seems very important at the start might not make sense by the end. Or, there might be aspects that weren’t considered during requirements gathering, which can lead to important requirements that went undocumented.

At the end of any project, what matters most is that the customer feels good about the business value they’re getting from what they bought. If a project satisfies all of its requirements but ultimately provides no value to the customer, the project is a failure. Conversely, if a project meets only a subset of its requirements but delights its customer, it can be considered a success.

Realizing that requirements will change–and expecting them to–is an important strength of agile methodologies. As features are completed, review them with the customer and re-evaluate what comes next. Sometimes, you might find a feature is no longer needed. More likely, you’ll uncover a feature that was missed but will provide much greater value than what was originally proposed. Shifting requirements late in the game is how you can take advantage of a newly found feature like this, and that’s part of what makes agile so powerful.

Writing Tests First

I think it’s safe to say that everybody agrees on the value and necessity of automated unit tests. Writing code without tests is the fastest way to accumulate technical debt. This is one reason why test-driven development (TDD) has become an accepted and preferred technique for developing high-quality, maintainable software. When asked to describe TDD, a typical response might include the red, green, refactor pattern. The idea is that you write a failing test first (red), make it pass (green), and then clean up after yourself (refactor). Easy, right?

Not so fast, my friend.

It breaks my heart to say it, but I think most of the developers on my team don’t write tests first. They follow more of a null, refactor, green pattern. Code is written first. It’s assumed to be pretty good but not verified. Then refactoring occurs to make the code testable as unit tests are written to test the code. I have a few problems with this.

First and foremost, by doing tests last, you’re making it possible to be “done” without proper tests. You should never have somebody say something like, “It’s done, but I didn’t have time to write all the tests.” I’ve seen this happen too many times, and it’s completely unacceptable. You aren’t done until you have tests, and the best way to ensure you have tests is to write them first. Period.

By not writing tests first, you’re also opening yourself to the possibility of writing untestable code. Regardless of whether or not you write tests before or after, you’ll have to figure out how to test the code you are or will be writing. If you write the tests after code, you might find yourself doing some heavy refactoring and restructuring to make the code testable–a step that could have been avoided completely by simply writing the tests first. Conversely, writing tests first empowers you to make smart design decisions that ensure testability before you’ve implemented your solution. Writing tests first forces you to write testable code, and testable code is typically more well-designed.

Tests-first help from a requirements perspective, too. You’re obviously trying to accomplish something by writing code, so what is it? Write failing or inconclusive tests to represent your requirements, and you’ll be less likely to accidentally miss a requirement in the heat of your fervorous coding. If you don’t know the requirements, you probably shouldn’t be coding anything. That should be a huge red flag. Stop coding immediately, and go figure out the requirements!

I don’t think I’ve presented anything terribly controversial here, so why aren’t people writing tests first? In my opinion, it’s primarily a mental block. You have to commit to it. Executing can be tricky–especially in the beginning–but making the commitment to write tests first and sticking to it is really the hard part. Execution will come with time and practice. But you still need to start somewhere, right? So, I’ve whipped up a simple workflow to help get you started. Note that a lot of this is situational, but the basic idea is to start with stubs and do only enough of the actual implementation to complete your test.

  1. Write a test method with a descriptive name.
    1. If I’m going to be writing a Save method, my first test might be named SaveSavesTheRecordToTheDatabase or just SaveSaves.
    2. Implement the test with a single line of code: Assert.Fail() or Assert.Inconclusive().
    3. Note that the Save method might not exist at this point! I’m just spelling out what I want to accomplish by writing test methods.
    4. Repeat for each requirement.
  2. Begin implementing the test.
    1. This will be different depending on the nature of what’s being tested. It might be defining an expected output for a given input. For my example Save method that will save the record to a database, the first thing I might do is create a mock IDatabase and write an assertion to verify that it was used to save the record.
    2. Go as far as you can without implementing your actual change.
    3. Leave your Assert.Fail() or Assert.Inconclusive() at the end of the test if there’s more work to be done.
  3. Begin implementing your changes.
    1. The goal should be to make the test code that you’ve written so far pass or to free a roadblock that prevents you from writing more tests. How will my Save method get access to an IDatabase? Will it be a method argument? Passed to the constructor? I can address these implementation details without implementing the Save method.
    2. Identify and write more tests as you go! For example, did you add a new method argument that will never be null? Add a test to verify that an ArgumentNullException is thrown if it is. Are you making an external service call? Write a test to verify that exceptions will be handled. Write the new tests before you implement the behavior that addresses them!
    3. Go as far as you need to complete your test code.
    4. Use stub methods that throw NotImplementedException if you need a new method that doesn’t have tests.
  4. Finish implementing the test.
    1. Add mocks, add assertions, and implement the rest of your test.
  5. Finish implementing your changes.
    1. Now, with a complete test, finish the rest of your implementation.
  6. Review tests and changes.
    1. Add additional test cases to verify alternate scenarios.
    2. Look for edge cases and ensure they’re covered. (Null checks, exception handling, etc.)
  7. Refactor!
    1. Don’t forget to cleanup after yourself!
    2. Now that you have a solid set of tests, you can refactor your code to make it shiny and clean. The tests will ensure that you don’t lose functionality or break requirements.

This isn’t a perfect workflow, and it won’t work for all scenarios. It’s just meant to help get you over the I-can’t-write-a-test-for-this-yet hump. Remember that writing tests first is a decision you make, above all else. Commit to write tests first. Fight the urge to implement first and test later, and stop coding if you find yourself implementing sans tests. After some time, it will become habit. You’ll learn how to deal with the tricky stuff.

Do you have similar experiences with getting teams to adopt TDD? I’d love to hear about them! Please share your thoughts and ideas related to the topic. What are some things that you’ve done or had done to you to improve adoption of TDD and actually writing tests first?

Disagreement as an Expectations Management Technique

Link: Disagreement as an Expectations Management Technique

I’ve been to mechanics. I’ve pretended to know what’s going on. I’ve been blind-sided by an actual bill that’s several times larger than what I had expected.

This article makes several great points about expectations management. Transparency and honesty improve customer satisfaction over time, even if they bring bad news. Disagreement is a part of that. When a customer comes to you with an expectation that you disagree with, you need to set them straight. If I’m the customer, I’d rather be informed and educated about the incorrectness of my assumptions than be upset and disappointed after the work is done.